• Avenida Nilo Peçanha, 50 GR 1509 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil - CEP: 20020-100

Chemical Engineer (UFF) with post-graduation in Labor Safety Engineering (UFF) and M.Sc. in Production Engineering (UFF). Twenty-four (24) years of experience. Currently a partner of H&C Gestão de Risco – Consultoria e Engenharia LTDA. Worked for OSX and DNV-GL and provided support to big companies like PETROBRAS, BRASKEM and VALE. Responsible for the safety discipline in 5 (five) engineering projects of O&G production platforms. Provided several process safety consultancy services like quantitative/qualitative risk assessments, safety verification of engineering design, audits of compliance with legal or voluntary HSE requirements, accident investigations, preparation of emergency plans and drills, implementation HSE management systems and training on HSE competences for several O&G companies and for companies from other market segment like chemical, petrochemical, mining and steel.